
New method finds defects in power transistors more accurately, quickly and simply Transistors are needed wherever current flows, and they are an indispensable component of virtually all electronic switches. In the field of power electronics, transistors are used to switch large currents. However, o...

Category: Research

Controlling electronic current is essential to modern electronics, as data and signals are transferred by streams of electrons which are controlled at high speed. Demands on transmission speeds are also increasing as technology develops. Scientists from the Chair of Laser Physics and the Chair of Ap...

Category: Research

At the international conference for silicon carbide and related materials (ICSCRM 2017) in Washington D.C., our PhD students Maximilian Rühl and Martin Hauck impressed scientists from academia and industry from all over the world with their research results. Maximilian Rühl got an invited talk fo...

Category: Research

A fundamental and counter-intuitive phenomenon of quantum mechanics is the tunnelling of electrons through barriers that, classically, the electron should not penetrate. This effect is efficient only on the nanoscale, due to the exponential decay of the wave function in the barrier. It was theref...

Category: Research